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"This midwest-based artist has been doing it for years ... and it keeps getting even better!"

- John Tirckle , Music Today Post

"SOC has an inspirational, yet truthful message that is globally captivating"

- Linda Shine, Music of life magazine

Short for Servant of Christ, SOC aspires to both encourage and challenge all who take a listen. He has rocked countless shows performing from the Midwest to the UK for the sole purpose of fulfilling the charge placed in front of us all – to boldly be a “Servant of Christ.”


With clever wordplay, as well as production from some of the hottest producers on the planet, SOC is focused on representing Truth by way of the gift of music. Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana USA, an assignment in Liverpool, England, and now in Strasbourg, France ... SOC interests lyricists, musicians, and music connoisseurs alike as he boldly proclaims the truth through the poetry of hip-hop with his message.


Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN, Brandon "SOC" has always had an interest in music. Classically trained in piano as well as nearyl a decade in symphonic orchestra, he's always been captivated playing and producing different genres of music. As an 80's baby, Brandon grew up loving hip-hop and especially the production although the lyrics often did not support where his heart was and his beliefs were. His love of emceeing begin when he started in the lunch room with the battles and honing the skills in High School. Brandon was raised in the church and has always had a heart to try and do what was right; but found himself still listening to rap music in that era as he loved the beats, but with profane lyrics. One evening, his mother took all of his CDs and threw them into the fireplace. This was a turning point at which he began actually producing his own music with a team of likeminded, and very talented producers and emcees. 


Throughout college, Brandon began performing many shows and competing in freestyle battles across the midwest - specifically the Big 10. In spite of his refraining to use profanity, he would often win the competitions and received some encouragement to pursue his talent while studing engineering in school. Known as the "philosophic emcee," Brandon took on the alias of "SOCRATES".  After releasing 4 projects through college and receiving some critical acclaim, it became clear in 2009 that a change needed to be made.


1 Corinthians 10:31 is clear and states whatever one does, it should be done to the glory of God. Once Brandon was convicted that this included his music, he shifted his content from being just positive, inspirational hip-hop - to overtly christian hip-hop with view to evangilism and discipleship for the purposes of putting Christ at the center.  At this point, SOCRATES became SOC, Servant of Christ.  The first project released was the 2010 album entitled "Rebirth of SOC" and this transition is made evident with the following lyric ...


"The RA-TES yeah it had to go /

something like Saul on that Damascus road" 

--Rebirth of SOC (feat. April Barnes)

Since Rebirth of SOC, Brandon has released 6 different projects, two of which while on assignment in Liverpool, England and another while on assignment in Strasbourg, France.  He has had the privilege of working with artists and producers from across the country and world.

© 2022 RebirthofSOC  |  Indianapolis, IN, USA  |  Liverpool, England  |  Strasbourg, France

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